Committed to the Defeat of Ignorance and Superstition through the Defense and Promotion ofScience, Reason and Ethics.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Christians Boycott Someone with Different Opinions: In other news, Sky Still Blue

Recently, several freethinking and atheist groups have had the courage to express the unpopular fact of their existence by taking out ads and billboard in selective cities. The biggest stink has been raised by the billboard in New Jersey, where it seems that it is ok for the faithful to bombard their neighbors with their beliefs but atheists should just shut up and be glad that all those followers of Christ don't burn or lynch anymore. Well, not usually.

So now, ministers and such of the Ft. Worth area are calling for a boycott of city buses because the public transit authority accepted adds promoting atheism. (They simply declare "Millions of Americans are Good Without God.")

When it was suggested that they could buy counter adds on buses, the "Rev. Kyev Tatum says residents shouldn't ride the buses -- and churches shouldn't buy Christian ads -- because the Fort Worth Transportation Authority has put profit over principle."

What "principle" would that be? That Christians own December? That Christians should never be confronted by opposing opinions?

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