"An atheist group that has paid for a large billboard outside the Lincoln Tunnel reading “You KNOW it’s a Myth” says it is targeting “closet” atheists as part of its Christmas season campaign."
More: http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2010/11/27/atheist-groups-billboard-targets-closet-non-believers/
I saw this earlier today. I thought this was the worst way to get attention. I agree that all people have freedom of / from religtion. No matter what you believe in, be at peace with it in your self. Be happy with yourself, your family, and your faith or absence of it. This was just an attempt to offend another group. Why in the world can we not just get along. Quit shoving things down others throat. I know that all groups do things in some form or fashion similar, but since when is offending others ,intentionally, ok as being a part of humanity?
ReplyDeleteI would suggest three points to consider:
ReplyDelete1. Why is it that it is ok for the religious to flaunt their beliefs in the public square, but the second that atheists join that public discussion, it is somehow offensive? I would argue that it is because belief in any religion leads you to think that a person is special, "right" and somehow above criticism. I hold that religion poisons society and must be the subject of rational criticism.
2. 50,000,000 Americans now identify as agnostic, atheist or non-believers. We are the fastest growing group in America, and yet we are still denigrated openly and without consequence. This billboard was meant to tell people who do not believe that they are not alone. No different than the mission of gay pride groups. After all, we know what happens when gay people are made to feel ashamed and isolated. Same goes for being an unbeliever in a land where many will hate you for it.
3. It would be nice if people could all just get along and keep their beliefs to themselves. But they can't. Your beliefs influence what you do at work, in the polling place and in the jury box. The quality of your thinking affects not just your life, but everyone else as well. The path of reason is ultimately the better path. And even if someone only goes to church for the sake of family and community but doesn’t really believe a word from the pulpit, their mere presence emboldens the true believer to keep on with their stone-age faith and hate.
Here is the deal I am willing to make; the day that the religious stop trying to proselytize, I will stop pointing out the errors of their judgment. When they give up their parades and revivals, the bible class in public schools and the vacation bible school to lure in bored kids and desperate parents, the political action groups and the discriminatory attitudes, I will stop reminding them that they are bruising their knuckles as they walk. But they can’t. Their holy books require them to get more members and keep the ones they have and their only weapons are fear, trickery and inertia. They can’t stop. So neither can I.
I'm not one to get into huge discussions about religion because it is such a sensitive subject to many. I myself feel that all religions or lack of, have their place in the world. If it is something that you feel strongly about and support and it makes you feel good, then that's awesome!
ReplyDeleteIn any religion, you have those who feel the need to point the finger and say "I'm right , your wrong, it's that simple." I don't feel anyone's belief should be shoved down someone's throat at all at anytime. There is a difference in celebrating a holiday within your religion and outright attacking a group because of what they believe. What ever happened to taking the higher road and not doing the things that offend you. By that, I mean, if one groupd doesn't like the fact that another is shoving letters under their windshield wipers or preaching in public something that you don't agree with, then why go on the offensive with the same thing. Not everyone under Atheist, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, etc... is looking for a fight. To me, I feel that the Athiest organization that is responsible for the billboard are outright attacking Christians. To many disputes whether between nations leading to war or between two people have led to no good. I just don't see the justification in the Billboard. If they wanted to have a billboard that said something like: We exist for reason or Celebrating reason since 1963, that would be fine. Although many would be offended by the second during this time of year. It's just taking the biggest holiday for that religion and publicly bashing it. Sure there is freedom of speech, press, etc.. but was it tasteless?
I don't care what religion or affiliation anyone claims, I accept all people as they are. I love the bumper sticker that says coexist in all the different religious logos. I just wish more people would coexist instead of aiming their belief gun at those who don't want it.
No matter your belief system, your personal morals system of what's right is affected by your belief system. Yes, daily activities are altered by what you believe. It's like politics, which are influenced by beliefs. Another example that comes to mind, a judge is supposed to only make decisions based on the facts and take the their personal aspect out of it as are jurors. Do I think that it happens as it should? NO! Everyone has the freedom to choose how to live their life within the laws. I don't believe it is anyone's place to try to change someone's beliefs. If they are curious and want to know what it is about, share it with them.
I've went on way too much, much of which may not make sense! HAHA, but I just think outright offending another group on a subject very sensitive is tasteless and looking for attention.
Well, Ok. But...
ReplyDeleteWhy is saying "I believe in the divinity of Jesus and if you what to go to heaven you must also" not offensive, and saying "Jesus is a myth, celebrate reason" is? What is so special about religious belief that it cannot be contradicted in public?
Well, to me it is offensive to say that to someone. I would never march out and tell someone that. If there were a billboard that said that, I would disagree with the use of that board as well. There are people in all followings or beliefs that will do downright awful things to others who do not feel the same. Is it right? No, of course not. Does it make it any more right to go out and attack a group on the first Sunday of Advent in their season of one of their biggest celebration. The billboard was meant to offend. Why would anyone intend on going out to offend? I just feel that any group intentionally doing someting to offend others is pointless. It just causes arguements and hard feelings. It's sad that there is that division in the world. If you want to promote yourself or spread your message....go for it. If the only way you can promote yourself is by bashing others, then those groups need to re-evaluate what they are about.
ReplyDeleteI see that billboard message almost as hate rather than dissagreement.
I'll bite. What EXACTLY is the offensive part of the billboard?
ReplyDeleteCome on......You know what it is.....using images related to a certain group and telling them that basically they are wrong and living a lie. "This season, celebrate reason." It's nothing but an all out effort to attack another group. There is a huge difference in celebrating what you believe in publicly and then just attacking a group because their belief is different. Once again, I know people from all religions can be A-holes and do the same crap, but I can't see how anyone thinks this behavior is ok. Regardless of how you feel about religion, treating everyone with compassion and love seems like a better option to me. You don't have to tell me that it happens to some groups more than others, I'm aware of it, I just think there are better ways to get attention that bashing another. When it comes to religion, I feel it's better to concentrate on yourself as an individual.
ReplyDeleteThis is not simply one valid opinion vs. another. It is something that is harmful and full of demonstrable error vs. the clear, humanizing light of reason.
ReplyDeleteThis is not Coke vs. Pepsi; it is virus vs. vaccine.
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ReplyDeleteFaith does not equal opinion. You can't alter the way a person feels. It's like being in love. True love is not something that can be shown through gifts or hugs or kisses. True love is something that is felt deep within one person's soul. It's undescribable. Faith is something that isn't going to be changed by a billboard or someone saying it isn't true. It was just simply attacking another group for their beliefs. It wasn't to show their intelligence or speak what they are about. It was to speak out against what another group is about.
ReplyDeleteYou and many other may feel that the billboard expresses clarity, many others do not. Virus vs. vaccine? Another opinion, but one to take a shot at another religion.
People enjoy their faith, while other people enjoy their way of living. Why does it have to be one versus the other? No need in the battle of believers vs. nonbelievers.
I agree that religion has many flaws but that is where adults can think for themselves. For instance, many religions are against homosexuality and abortion. Me personally, I feel that people don't choose their preference. So, why are we faulting them? I don't , many do, and when asked, I speak my mind. Abortion is looked down upon by many faiths, however, it's not something you can throw in as right or wrong. There is a lot of gray area.
No certain way of believing, whether it is faith of lack of, is perfect. A lot of things are based on the way that people were taught and followed long ago and things must change as the world does in some aspects.
Why does it have to be an "us versus them" mentality?
"Why does it have to be an "us versus them" mentality?"
ReplyDeleteBecause somethings can be measured.
I challenge you to name ONE good thing that could not have been accomplished without religion.
I don't think that can be done.
The same cannot be said of science and reason.
Ask yourself honestly these two questions: would the world have been better of without religion? Would the world have been better off without science?
Sure many things can be measured, but religion or faith is not one of them. To me it's an idividual thing. It means differently to each person. A lot of people get upset when someone questions their faith or attacks it because it's a personal attack. If you don't agree with it fine, but why attack others? Just because some idiot offended one person, doesn't that person shoudl do the same. That sounds like elementary school logic to do that. That's what I think of the billboard efforts.
ReplyDeleteI have no problem with science / reason as I don't with religion.
A good thing?
I feel that religion has provided guidance to many people as they develope into an adult, granted some of the ideas even I don't agree with. Guidance being their morals, code to live by, or just their way of living.
To me science and faith are two things that can be compared for their purpose. They are based on different things. Science is a gotta see it to believe it standard....give me proof give me proof. Religion isn't the same. Many will tell you the recordings in the Bible are the proof and I know the possibility that stories told were changed as do any story before being recorded. But religion is more than proof , it's a feeling that is different for each person.
I'm not going to attempt to convince you or anyone else that you should give it a whirl. That isn't my job. As long as I am happy with me and my life, I don't see why it should be questioned. I feel the same with you or anyone else. If you are happy with that aspect of your life, then I see no need to change it. I certainly won't attack the lack of faith or throw out what I think about it because it does no good and is pointless to me.
Let's give a brief video a try...
"There are all sorts of things that would be comforting. I expect an injection of morphine would be comforting – it might be more comforting, for all I know. But to say that something is comforting is not to say that it's true." - Dawkins
ReplyDeleteLast comments:
ReplyDeleteSaw the video.....one person's opinion. I've said it before, religion, to me, is individualistic in meaning, worth, importance. I don't worry about other's opinions because everyone has one on the topic and to me it's not about everyone else. It's about me and the way I think or feel. I respect all others views, all others beliefs, and request them to do the same.
As far as the Dawkins quote, A mother's love is comforting, it is very true wouldn't ya say? "Just because you don't agree with it or get comfort from it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist for others." :) Me.
This is going in circles......