This is why we have to fight and be so outspoken about who were are and the denial of our rights. Nothing more offensive than a right denied.
WEST CHESTER, PA -- It is now official; Chester County will be putting up the Jesus Creche, the Menorah, a Christmas Tree, Santa and maybe some reindeer and a sleigh, but as predicted not the Tree of Knowledge.
A few weeks ago, I wrote about the Freethought Society’s continued fight to have their Tree of Knowledge display included on the courthouse lawn. This year the County Commissioners passes Resolution 58-10 which would allow the county to choose which displays to put up on the courthouse lawn. Surprise, surprise, it is all the same displays that were there last year except that the Freethought Society’s Tree of Knowledge which as been purposely and deliberately excluded.
When I first talked about this story many in the greater atheist community thought that this resolution would restrict all holiday displays religious and non-religious alike. This however was not the case and was never even the intention.
The intention from day one of the introduction of this resolution has been to endorse the Judeo-Christian religions and to give Christians and Jews the sole use of public land to advertise their beliefs in the name of the government.
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