Committed to the Defeat of Ignorance and Superstition through the Defense and Promotion ofScience, Reason and Ethics.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Christian Pastor asks Atheist for Challenging Questions For His Discussion Group

A Christian pastor recently contacted one of my favorite atheists (The Friendly Atheist) to respectfully request challenging questions for his religious study group.

Good for him. He at least has a little courage.

I would like to share the offered questions because they go to the heart of what atheists simply fail to understand about believers, and vice versa.

When considering questions about your religion, do you have lower standards for evidence and sound argument than the standards you use when buying a used car, or sitting on a jury, or considering a religion different from yours? If such standards don’t apply to questions about your religion, why not?

Are you completely unconditional about the answers to which these questions may lead you, or are certain answers off-limits, and you’ll abort the questioning if that is where it seems to be leading?

Are you willing to be never fully satisfied with any answers, never rest on the laurels of an answer that soothes your doubt, but might still be false?

The worst atrocities in history have been committed by people who rendered themselves incapable of doubt. Absolute certainty was their addiction, and “absolute truth” was their drug. Can you see that doubt is not an enemy, and become comfortable with it as a good and constant friend who keeps you honest, humble and human?

1 comment:

  1. First off, I don't like the term atheist...I can't know there is no god just like you don't know there aren't invisible pink unicorns. Also, I am not a plumber, so why isn't there a label for non-plumbers...well, it's because we really don't need a name for non-plumbers (or non-believers for that matter)....It is only a way to place someone into a group...

    Where did god come from?

    I would expect god is omnipotent and omniscient. If god is omnipotent and omniscient, then god would have to know that the holocaust (or all of the atrocities in this world) was going to happen and had the power to prevent it, but didn't. OR...better yet, he knew EVE would eat the apple....
    (If your answer includes FREE WILL, then why do people pray?)

    How can you have consciousness separate from a physical brain?

    How can you give preference to one "holy book" over any other? If you ask me who the best looking son is, I will tell you, "I am", but my brothers will do the same.

    Why is your god more real than all the other gods that civilizations have believed existed?

    Which people are going to heaven? Which to hell? Who are the "lost"?
    Jehovah's Witnesses

    I hope these questions give you something to discuss...
