Committed to the Defeat of Ignorance and Superstition through the Defense and Promotion ofScience, Reason and Ethics.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Mobilizing for the War on Christmas

So, here is a recent story about the Loudoun County (VA) Supervisors reversing a policy preventing religious holiday displays by third parties at their courthouse. The new policy allows 10 third party holiday displays ON A FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE BASIS.

Is it just me or would you love to see a manger display surrounded by displays for the Flying Spaghetti Monster, Festivus, the Winter Solstice and Chalica. The Baptist would lose their their minds. Better yet for them to be 11th in line to see what marginalization feels like.

The real issue behind the bogus "War on Christmas" meme is the discomfort of Christians of not being treated with cultural deference; the idea that they are just another unfounded superstitious belief, and not the fountain of the American Dream its adherents still want it to be.

This is a recent quote on the subject from

"I'm sick of these lame wars on Christmas.

I hereby declare WAR on Christmas.

Over Christmas I shall draw up my battle plans for my Christmas rival a holiday whose only purpose is to give to the needy and less well off in society instead of just being greedy little shits who moan about getting socks and undies from relatives you barely see.

Next winter solstice I urge you to give hard earned dollars to a charity that does not directly benefit you.

Together we can beat Christmas and encourage good will towards fellow humans, as opposed to the rife consumerism down in the name of a zombie jew whose message has long been forgotten in favour of greed, bigotry and gluttons in red suits."

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